Masters of the Universe: Revelation - How Much He-Man Knowledge Is Required?
The new Netflix series Masters of the Universe: Revelation isn't just another reboot of a beloved franchise from back in the day. In fact, it'south not a reboot at all! MOTU: Revelation is the truly rare SEQUEL series to an '80s animated serial. Yeah, that's right, nosotros aren't getting He-Homo rebooted nevertheless again (remember that time He-Man went into infinite?) just instead a total-on sequel to the original 130-episode Filmation Television serial.
With that in heed, how much almost the original He-Man series is needed to savor MOTU: Revelation ? Is this something more casual fans can enjoy or do yous need to exist a hardcore He-Homo fan? Can a new fan jump in hither?
What you demand to know from the jump is that Masters of the Universe: Revelation was made specifically with He-Man fans in heed. In fact there might never have been a new version of a classic property that was made with fans in mind quite this much. Revelation assumes you know quite a flake about He-Man. The bear witness gives a very quick reintroduction to the concept (He-Human being being a underground identity, only a few others know the surreptitious, Castle Grayskull, Snake Mountain, Skeletor) but after that you're on your own.
This is episode 131 of the original He-Man and the Masters of the Universe drawing for all MOTU: Revelation is concerned. If you're even somewhat aware of He-Man through pop civilisation though you'll generally know all of this or exist able to figure information technology out pretty quickly. But is that all y'all demand? Well, this is where it gets tricky.
Masters of the Universe: Revelation is for fans and that doesn't merely hateful, "what a casual person thinks He-Human was." This is a show that heavily relies on mining the very deep lore of the original He-Human being. Yep, for as dizzy equally the original He-Human serial could be it had a staggering amount of lore. Much of the plot of Revelation hinges on this lore to the point some new viewers may exist turned off.
There are deep cuts to things like obscure He-Man record books! If you're a hardcore fan this is a gift just the show relies on these kinds of references then much that afterwards awhile you'll experience like y'all're the odd one out at the party. Some of the references are subtle and work whether y'all know what they're well-nigh or not. Other times crucial plot points of the serial rely on having seen a specific episode of the '80s show.
This means that the people who'll get the most out of Masters of the Universe: Revelation are the hardcore fans with a textbook knowledge of the franchise. If you're the kind of person who's watched the serial multiple times, reads the He-Man wiki for fun, or especially EDITS the He-Man wiki, this evidence is directed squarely at you. It's like shooting fish in a barrel see how much the squad backside the series went out of their way to get the lore and characters right for the people who'll care the most.
This means that anyone who has nil knowledge of He-Human , however, will likely become picayune out of this prove. Masters of the Universe: Revelation is a commemoration of He-Man , its lore, and its characters. It tells the stories fans always wished the original series could do. It's commendable, in its ain weird way, for the prove to not really care nearly anyone new to the franchise and brand information technology exclusively for the fans.
But if you lot're just hoping this could be a adept jumping on point for the wider MOTU franchise? Y'all'd be better off watching Netflix's She-Ra and the Princesses of Ability . You don't get any He-Human being merely it requires zero prior knowledge of whatsoever MOTU testify to savour.
Masters of the Universe: Revelation premieres July 23, 2021 on Netflix.
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