
When It Comes To Science Learning, What Is Needed At A Minimum For Good Teaching Practice?

Suggested Citation:"4 Standards for Professional Development for Teachers of Science." National Research Quango. 1996. National Science Education Standards. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/4962.


Chapter four
Standards for Professional Development for Teachers of Science

The National Science Education Standards present a vision of learning and didactics science in which all students take the opportunity to become scientifically literate. In this vision, teachers of science are professionals responsible for their own professional person development and for the maintenance of the pedagogy profession. The standards in this chapter provide criteria for making judgments about the quality of the professional development opportunities that teachers of science will need to implement the National Science Education Standards.

Professional development for teachers should be analogous to professional development for other professionals. Condign an effective scientific discipline teacher is a continuous procedure that stretches from preservice experiences in undergraduate years to the terminate of a professional career. Science has a chop-chop changing knowledge base and

Suggested Commendation:"4 Standards for Professional Development for Teachers of Science." National Enquiry Quango. 1996. National Science Education Standards. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/4962.


expanding relevance to societal problems, and teachers volition need ongoing opportunities to build their understanding and ability. Teachers also must have opportunities to develop understanding of how students with diverse interests, abilities, and experiences make sense of scientific ideas and what a instructor does to support and guide all students. And teachers require the opportunity to study and engage in research on science teaching and learning, and to share with colleagues what they take learned.

The standards in this chapter are intended to inform everyone with a role in professional person development. They are criteria for the scientific discipline and education faculties of colleges and universities, who accept the primary responsibility for the initial preparation of teachers of science; for teachers who select and design

activities for personal professional person development; and for all others who design and lead professional development activities.

These standards are also criteria for state and national policy makers who decide of import policies and practices, such equally requirements for teacher certification and the budget for professional development. In this vision of science education, policies must change so that ongoing, effective professional development becomes key in teachers' lives.

The electric current reform effort in science education requires a noun change in how science is taught. Implicit in this reform is an equally substantive change in professional development practices at all levels. Much electric current professional development involves traditional lectures to convey scientific discipline content and accent on technical grooming virtually instruction. For example, undergraduate science courses typically communicate science as a trunk of facts and rules to be memorized, rather than a way of knowing well-nigh the natural world; even the scientific discipline laboratories in well-nigh colleges fail to teach scientific discipline as enquiry. Moreover, teacher-preparation courses and inservice activities in methods of didactics scientific discipline often emphasize technical skills rather than decision making, theory, and reasoning. If reform is to be achieved, professional person evolution must include experiences that appoint prospective and practicing teachers in active learning that builds their noesis, understanding, and ability. The vision of scientific discipline and how it is learned as described in the Standards volition be nearly impossible to convey to students in schools if the teachers themselves have never experienced information technology. Only put, preservice programs and professional evolution activities for practicing teachers must model proficient science didactics, as described in the education standards in Chapter iii.

Four assumptions about the nature of professional development experiences and nearly the context within which they have identify frame the professional person evolution standards:

  • Professional evolution for a instructor of science is a continuous, lifelong process.

Suggested Citation:"4 Standards for Professional Development for Teachers of Science." National Research Quango. 1996. National Scientific discipline Education Standards. Washington, DC: The National Academies Printing. doi: 10.17226/4962.


  • The traditional distinctions betwixt ''targets," "sources," and "supporters" of teacher development activities are artificial.

  • The conventional view of professional development for teachers needs to shift from technical training for specific skills to opportunities for intellectual professional growth.

  • The procedure of transforming schools requires that professional development opportunities be conspicuously and accordingly connected to teachers' piece of work in the context of the school.

[Run into Professional person Development Standard D]

Professional person DEVELOPMENT FOR A TEACHER OF SCIENCE IS A CONTINUOUS, LIFELONG Procedure. The understanding and abilities required to be a masterful teacher of science are not static. Science content increases and changes, and a instructor's understanding in science must keep pace. Knowledge about the process of learning is too continually developing, requiring that teachers remain informed. Farther, we live in an ever-changing order, which deeply influences events in schools; social changes bear upon students as they come up to schoolhouse and bear on what they need to carry abroad with them. In addition, teachers must be involved in the development and refinement of new approaches to teaching, assessment, and curriculum.

[See Professional person Development Standard A]

Teachers of scientific discipline build skills gradually, starting in their undergraduate years, where they engage in science and gain some experience in educational activity. They then experience the realities of their kickoff years in the classroom, work with other teachers, take reward of professional evolution offerings, and learn from their own efforts and those of their colleagues. This gradual evolution has several implications—the transition between the instruction of prospective and practicing teachers is a case in point. The primary responsibility for the early stages of preservice education rests with colleges and universities, but information technology must be shared with the practice community as prospective teachers begin their clinical work. For inservice education, the practice customs has the major responsibleness, drawing upon the resources of higher didactics, scientific discipline-rich centers, and the scientific community. Continuous professional person development requires a gradual shift from campus to

school, accompanied by collaboration among all those engaged in professional development activities.

Because the following standards presume continuous professional person evolution, they are not divided into standards for the education of prospective teachers and standards for the professional development of practicing teachers. Rather they are applicable to all activities and programs that occur over a instructor's career.

THE TRADITIONAL DISTINCTIONS BETWEEN "TARGETS," "SOURCES," AND "SUPPORTERS" OF Instructor Development ACTIVITIES ARE ARTIFICIAL. In the vision of scientific discipline education described by the Standards, practicing teachers—traditionally the targets for professional person evolution—have the opportunity to become

Suggested Citation:"4 Standards for Professional Evolution for Teachers of Science." National Enquiry Council. 1996. National Science Education Standards. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: x.17226/4962.


sources of their own growth also as supporters of the growth of others. Prospective teachers must have the opportunity to become active participants in schools through internships, clinical studies, and inquiry. Teachers should have opportunities for structured reflection on their teach

ing exercise with colleagues, for collaborative curriculum planning, and for active participation in professional instruction and scientific networks. The challenge of professional development for teachers of science is to create optimal collaborative learning situations in which the all-time sources of expertise are linked with the experiences and current needs of the teachers.

Principals and qualified customs members should as well participate in professional evolution activities in social club to increase their own understanding of student science learning and of the roles and responsibilities of teachers.

THE CONVENTIONAL VIEW OF Professional person DEVELOPMENT FOR TEACHERS NEEDS TO SHIFT FROM TECHNICAL Grooming FOR SPECIFIC SKILLS TO OPPORTUNITIES FOR INTELLECTUAL PROFESSIONAL GROWTH. This assumption highlights the need for a shift from viewing teaching every bit a technical activity to ane requiring both theoretical and practical understanding and power. Professional development occurs in many more ways than delivery of information in the typical university course, constitute, or teacher workshop. Another way to learn more about education science is to conduct classroom-based research, and a useful way to acquire science content is to participate in research at a scientific laboratory. In all instances, professional development activities must be sustained, contextual, and require participation and reflection. The Standards assume wide concepts of how, in what formats, and under what conditions professional evolution can take place.

THE PROCESS OF TRANSFORMING SCHOOLS REQUIRES THAT Professional person DEVELOPMENT OPPORTUNITIES Be CLEARLY AND Appropriately CONNECTED TO TEACHERS' Piece of work IN THE CONTEXT OF THE SCHOOL. Whenever possible, the professional development of teachers should occur in the contexts where the teachers' understandings and abilities volition be used. Although learning science might take place in a scientific discipline laboratory, learning to teach science needs to take identify through interactions with practitioners in places where students are learning science, such equally in classrooms and schools.

The Standards

The commencement three professional development standards can be summarized as learning science, learning to teach science, and learning to acquire. Each begins with a description of what is to be learned followed past a

Suggested Citation:"4 Standards for Professional Development for Teachers of Scientific discipline." National Research Quango. 1996. National Science Education Standards. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: ten.17226/4962.


clarification of how the opportunities to learn are best designed. The fourth standard addresses the characteristics of quality professional development programs at all levels.

Professional Development Standard A

Professional development for teachers of scientific discipline requires learning essential science content through the perspectives and methods of research. Science learning experiences for teachers must

  • Involve teachers in actively investigating phenomena that can be studied scientifically, interpreting results, and making sense of findings consistent with currently accepted scientific agreement.

  • Address bug, events, problems, or topics significant in science and of interest to participants.

  • Innovate teachers to scientific literature, media, and technological resources that expand their science knowledge and their ability to admission further knowledge.

  • Build on the teacher'southward current science understanding, ability, and attitudes.

  • Contain ongoing reflection on the process and outcomes of understanding science through enquiry.

  • Encourage and support teachers in efforts to collaborate.

Knowledge and Understanding of Scientific discipline

One of the near serious questions in science education is what science a teacher needs to know. What does it mean to know a lot or a picayune, have a sound foundation, and have in-depth understanding? The criteria of credit hours that states, professional organizations, and higher education institutions use to prescribe content requirements are inadequate indicators of what is learned in a course. Therefore, the following word focuses on the nature of the opportunities to learn science needed by teachers, rather than on credit hours. It is assumed that teachers of science volition go along to larn science throughout their careers.

[Come across Content Standards (all grade levels) in Chapter vi ]

To meet the Standards, all teachers of science must have a strong, broad base of scientific noesis all-encompassing enough for them to

  • Sympathise the nature of scientific inquiry, its fundamental part in science, and how to use the skills and processes of scientific inquiry.

  • Empathize the central facts and concepts in major science disciplines.

  • Be able to brand conceptual connections within and across science disciplines, too every bit to mathematics, technology, and other schoolhouse subjects.

  • Employ scientific understanding and power when dealing with personal and societal issues.

Across the firm foundation provided by the content standards in Chapter 6, how much more scientific discipline a teacher needs to know for a given level of schooling is an issue of breadth versus depth to exist debated and decided locally while respecting the intent of the Standards.

Breadth implies a focus on the basic ideas of scientific discipline and is central to teaching science at all grade levels. Depth refers to knowing and understanding not but the bones ideas within a science discipline, simply also some of the supporting experimental and theoretical knowledge. The ways ideas interconnect and

Suggested Citation:"four Standards for Professional Development for Teachers of Science." National Research Council. 1996. National Science Education Standards. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/4962.


build upon each other inside and across content areas are other important aspects of the depth of agreement. The depth of understanding of science content required varies co-ordinate to the class level of teaching responsibleness.

Teachers of grades K-4 usually are generalists who teach almost, if not all, school subjects. A primary task for these teachers is to lay the experiential, conceptual, and attitudinal foundation for future learning in science by guiding students through a range of inquiry activities. To accomplish this, elementary teachers of science need to take the opportunity to develop a broad knowledge of science content in addition to some in-depth experiences in at least i science subject. Such in-depth experiences will allow teachers to develop an agreement of inquiry and the structure and production

of science cognition. That knowledge prepares teachers to guide pupil inquiries, appraise current educatee agreement, and further students' understanding of scientific ideas. Although thorough scientific discipline noesis in many areas would enhance the work of an simple teacher, it is more realistic to expect a generalist's knowledge.

Science curricula are organized in many unlike ways in the middle grades. Science experiences go into greater depth, are more quantitative, crave more than sophisticated reasoning skills, and use more sophisticated apparatus and applied science. These requirements of the science courses change the character of the conceptual groundwork required of middle level teachers of science. While maintaining a latitude of scientific discipline knowledge, they need to develop greater depth of understanding than their colleagues instruction grades Thousand-four. An intensive, thorough study of at least one scientific discipline volition help them meet the demands of their teaching and gain appreciation for how scientific cognition is produced and how disciplines are structured.

At the secondary level, effective teachers of scientific discipline possess broad noesis of all disciplines and a deep understanding of the scientific disciplines they teach. This implies being familiar enough with a science discipline to accept function in enquiry activities within that subject field.

Teachers must possess the skills necessary to guide inquiries based on students' questions. An important test of the appropriate level of understanding for all teachers of scientific discipline at all levels is the teacher's ability to determine what students empathize about science and to use this data to formulate activities that aid the evolution of sound scientific ideas past their students.

Learning Science

Prospective and practicing teachers of science acquire much of their formal scientific discipline knowledge through coursework in colleges and universities. For all teachers, undergraduate science courses are a major factor in defining what science content is learned. Those courses also provide models for how science should be taught. For G-4 teachers

Suggested Citation:"4 Standards for Professional Development for Teachers of Science." National Research Council. 1996. National Scientific discipline Pedagogy Standards. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: ten.17226/4962.


and 5-eight teachers with general certification, undergraduate introductory science courses ofttimes are the but science courses taken. Because of the crucial role of such courses, reform in the content and teaching of undergraduate science is imperative. The courses for practicing teachers—those taught at universities as part of graduate programs likewise as those typically included in school-based, inservice programs—as well require redesign.

[Run across System Standard B]

Teachers of science will be the representatives of the science customs in their classrooms, and they form much of their paradigm of science through the science courses that they accept in college. If that image is to reflect the nature of science as presented in these standards, prospective and practicing teachers must take science courses in which they acquire science through inquiry, having the same opportunities as their students volition take to develop understanding. College scientific discipline faculty therefore must design courses that are heavily based on investigations, where electric current and futurity teachers have direct contact with phenomena, gather and interpret data using appropriate technology, and are involved in groups working on real, open-concluded problems. Those science courses must let teachers to develop a deep understanding of accustomed scientific ideas and the manner in which they were formulated. They must also accost problems, bug, events, and topics that are important to science, the community, and teachers.

Learning scientific discipline through enquiry should too provide opportunities for teachers to use scientific literature, media, and engineering science to broaden their noesis beyond the scope of immediate inquiries. Courses in science should allow teachers to develop understanding of the logical reasoning that is demonstrated in research papers and how a specific slice of research adds to the accumulated knowledge of scientific discipline. Those courses should too support teachers in using a variety of technological tools, such equally computerized databases and specialized laboratory tools.

In the vision described past the Standards, all prospective and practicing teachers who

study science participate in guided activities that help them make sense of the new content being learned, whether information technology comes by lecture, reading, small-scale-grouping word, or laboratory investigation. Courses and other activities include ongoing opportunities for teachers to reverberate on the process and the outcomes of their learning. Instructors help teachers understand the nature of learning science as they develop new concepts and skills. Those who teach science must be circumspect to the scientific ideas that teachers bring with them, provide time for learning experiences to be shared, and be knowledgeable nearly strategies that promote and encourage reflection.

Science faculty besides need to blueprint courses for prospective and practicing teachers that purposely engage them in the collaborative aspects of scientific inquiry. Some aspects of enquiry are individual efforts, but many are not, and teachers demand to experience the value and benefits of cooperative piece of work equally well as the struggles and tensions that it can produce.

Suggested Citation:"4 Standards for Professional Development for Teachers of Scientific discipline." National Inquiry Quango. 1996. National Science Education Standards. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/4962.


Professional person Development Standard B

Professional evolution for teachers of science requires integrating knowledge of science, learning, teaching, and students; it besides requires applying that noesis to science teaching. Learning experiences for teachers of science must

  • Connect and integrate all pertinent aspects of science and science education.

  • Occur in a diverseness of places where effective science instruction tin can be illustrated and modeled, permitting teachers to struggle with real situations and expand their noesis and skills in appropriate contexts.

  • Accost teachers' needs equally learners and build on their current cognition of science content, teaching, and learning.

  • Utilize inquiry, reflection, estimation of enquiry, modeling, and guided do to build understanding and skill in scientific discipline teaching.

Noesis of Scientific discipline Teaching

Constructive scientific discipline pedagogy is more than than knowing science content and some teaching strategies. Skilled teachers of science have special understandings and abilities that integrate their cognition of science content, curriculum, learning, pedagogy, and students. Such knowledge allows teachers to tailor learning situations to the needs of individuals and groups. This special knowledge, called "pedagogical content knowledge," distinguishes the scientific discipline noesis of teachers from that of scientists. It is one element that defines a professional instructor of science.

[See the principle Learning science is an active procedure in Chapter 2 ]

[See Pedagogy Standard B]

In improver to solid noesis of science, teachers of scientific discipline must have a firm grounding in learning theory—understanding how learning occurs and is facilitated. Learning is an agile process past which students individually and collaboratively achieve understanding. Constructive education requires that teachers know what students of sure ages are likely to know, empathize, and be able to practise; what they will learn quickly; and what volition be a struggle. Teachers of science need to anticipate typical misunderstandings and to

approximate the appropriateness of concepts for the developmental level of their students. In addition, teachers of scientific discipline must develop understanding of how students with unlike backgrounds, experiences, motivations, learning styles, abilities, and interests learn science. Teachers utilize all of that knowledge to make effective decisions near learning objectives, teaching strategies, assessment tasks, and curriculum materials.

[See Program Standard B]

Effective teachers of science also have a broad repertoire of instructional strategies that engage students in multiple ways. They are familiar with a wide range of curricula. They accept the ability to examine critically and select activities to utilize with their students to promote the understanding of science.

Suggested Citation:"4 Standards for Professional Evolution for Teachers of Science." National Research Council. 1996. National Science Didactics Standards. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/4962.


Inquiry into practise is essential for effective pedagogy. Teachers demand continuous opportunities to do so. Through collaborations with colleagues, teachers should

inquire into their own practice past posing questions such as the post-obit:

How should laboratory journals be structured?

Is this experiment advisable for the agreement and ability of the students?

What blazon of inquiry practice students need to practice to extend their understanding?

Is this curriculum unit appropriate for this group of third-grade students?

Does a particular study allow students sufficient opportunity to devise their ain experiments?

Are all students participating as?

[Run into Pedagogy Standard C]

Assessment is an important tool for skilful inquiry into teaching. In the daily functioning of their classrooms, skilled teachers of science are diagnosticians who understand students' ideas, beliefs, and reasoning. Effective teachers are knowledgeable near the various educational purposes for assessment and know how to implement and interpret a variety of cess strategies.

[See Teaching Standards D and E]

Skilled teachers of science besides know how to create and manage the physical, social, and intellectual environment in a classroom community of science learners.

Learning to Teach Science

Developing pedagogical content knowledge of science requires that teachers of science have the opportunity to bring together the knowledge described above and develop an integrated view of what it means to teach and learn science. The didactics standards in Chapter iii are designed to guide teachers' decisions about each of the complex activities involved in teaching science. In the vision described by the Standards, teachers also develop concepts and linguistic communication to engage in soapbox with their peers nearly content, curriculum, teaching, learning, assessment, and students.

The development of pedagogical content knowledge by teachers mirrors what nosotros know about learning past students; it can be fully adult simply through continuous experience. But experience is not sufficient. Teachers likewise must accept opportunities to engage in assay of the individual components of pedagogical content noesis—scientific discipline, learning, and pedagogy—and make connections between them.

[See Professional Development Standard D]

In this vision, people responsible for professional person evolution piece of work together with each other and with teachers as they integrate their noesis and experiences. For example, higher education science and didactics faculty must learn to work together: An instructor in a university scientific discipline grade might invite a member of the science education faculty to participate in regular give-and-take time designed to assistance students reverberate on how they came to larn science concepts. Not merely must the departments in college teaching institutions work together, but schools and college education institutions must enter into true collaboration. And

Suggested Citation:"4 Standards for Professional Evolution for Teachers of Science." National Research Council. 1996. National Scientific discipline Education Standards. Washington, DC: The National Academies Printing. doi: x.17226/4962.


Suggested Citation:"4 Standards for Professional person Development for Teachers of Scientific discipline." National Research Council. 1996. National Science Education Standards. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/4962.


Suggested Commendation:"iv Standards for Professional Development for Teachers of Scientific discipline." National Research Quango. 1996. National Scientific discipline Educational activity Standards. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/4962.


Suggested Commendation:"4 Standards for Professional person Development for Teachers of Science." National Inquiry Council. 1996. National Science Education Standards. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: x.17226/4962.


science-rich centers, industry, and other organizations must participate in professional development activities with teachers.

[See Program Standard D and System Standard D]

Some of the about powerful connections between science teaching and learning are fabricated through thoughtful practice in field experiences, squad teaching, collaborative enquiry, or peer coaching. Field experience starts early in the preservice program and continues throughout a education career. Whenever possible, the context for learning to teach science should involve actual students, real student work, and outstanding curriculum materials. Trial and error in teaching situations, continual thoughtful reflection, interaction with peers, and much repetition of teaching science content combine to develop the kind of integrated agreement that characterizes expert teachers of science.

New forms of collaboration that foster integrated professional development for teachers must be developed. One promising possibility is the reorganization of teacher pedagogy institutions into a professional evolution school model, where practitioners and theoreticians are involved in teacher educational activity activities in a collegial relationship. Another is extensive collaboration among schools, colleges, local industry, and other science-rich centers.

Many teachers come to learning activities with preconceptions about instruction science. At a minimum, their own science learning experiences have defined instruction for them. More accomplished teachers have their own teaching styles and strategies and their ain views of learning and teaching. When teachers have the time and opportunity to draw their own views nearly learning and teaching, to carry inquiry on their own teaching, and to compare, contrast, and revise their views, they come up to empathize the nature of exemplary science teaching.

[See Assessments Conducted by Classroom Teachers in Affiliate 5 ]

Learning experiences for prospective and practicing teachers must include inquiries into the questions and difficulties teachers take. Cess is an instance. Teachers must take opportunities to observe practitioners of good classroom assessment and to

review critically assessment instruments and their use. They need to accept structured opportunities in adjustment curriculum and cess, in selecting and developing appropriate assessment tasks, and in analyzing and interpreting the gathered information. Teachers also need to take opportunities to interact with other teachers to evaluate student piece of work—developing, refining, and applying criteria for evaluation. Practicing teachers will do good from opportunities to participate in organized sessions for scoring open-ended assessments.

Professional development activities create opportunities for teachers to confront new and different means of thinking; to participate in demonstrations of new and dissimilar ways of acting; to discuss, examine, critique, explore, argue, and struggle with new ideas;

Suggested Citation:"4 Standards for Professional Development for Teachers of Science." National Research Council. 1996. National Science Pedagogy Standards. Washington, DC: The National Academies Printing. doi: 10.17226/4962.


to try out new approaches in different situations and go feedback on the apply of new ideas, skills, tools, and behaviors; to reverberate on the experiments and experiences of teaching science, and then to revise and endeavor again.

Teacher learning is analogous to educatee learning: Learning to teach science requires that the teacher articulate questions, pursue answers to those questions, interpret data gathered, propose applications, and fit the new learning into the larger picture of science teaching.

These suggestions for preservice and inservice professional development do not dictate a certain structure. They could be met in a college course, a sustained inservice workshop or institute, a residency in a science-rich centre, a seminar for new teachers, a teacher study or activity research group, or a teacher network. Information technology is the nature of the learning situation that is of import, not the construction.

Professional person Evolution Standard C

Professional person development for teachers of scientific discipline requires building agreement and ability for lifelong learning. Professional development activities must

  • Provide regular, frequent opportunities for individual and collegial examination and reflection on classroom and institutional practice.

  • Provide opportunities for teachers to receive feedback about their education and to empathize, analyze, and employ that feedback to improve their practice.

  • Provide opportunities for teachers to learn and utilise various tools and techniques for cocky-reflection and collegial reflection, such as peer coaching, portfolios, and journals.

  • Support the sharing of instructor expertise by preparing and using mentors, instructor directorate, coaches, pb teachers, and resource teachers to provide professional development opportunities.

  • Provide opportunities to know and have access to existing enquiry and experiential cognition.

  • Provide opportunities to larn and use the skills of research to generate new knowledge about science and the educational activity and learning of science.

[Encounter Professional Evolution Standard A]

The primary chore of a teacher is to promote learning, and it follows that teachers themselves are dedicated learners. Lifelong learning by teachers is essential for several reasons. 1 obvious reason is to keep electric current in science. Teachers do not leave preservice programs with complete agreement of all the science they will demand in their pedagogy careers, and they demand to continue to clarify and deepen their understanding of the science content that is part of their teaching responsibility.

Another reason teachers must have the opportunity to continue to learn is made articulate by the observation that tomorrow's students will accept markedly different needs from today's students; even today'south employers require employees who can frame problems and design their own tasks, think critically, and piece of work together.

[See Professional Development Standard B]

Teaching itself is complex, requiring constant learning and continual reflection. New noesis, skills, and strategies for pedagogy come from a diverseness of sources—enquiry, new materials and tools, descriptions of best

Suggested Citation:"4 Standards for Professional person Development for Teachers of Science." National Research Council. 1996. National Scientific discipline Education Standards. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/4962.


do, colleagues, supervisors, self-reflection on teaching, and reflection on the learning of students in the classroom. Teachers continually consider and contribute to the advances in the knowledge base of teaching and learning.

Noesis for Lifelong Learning

From their beginning days because teaching as a profession through their unabridged careers, teachers of science develop the skills to analyze their learning needs and styles through self-reflection and active solicitation of feedback from others. They must accept the skills to apply tools and techniques for self-cess (such equally journal writing, study groups, and portfolios) and collaborative reflection strategies (such equally peer coaching, mentoring, and peer consulting). Teachers of scientific discipline should exist able to utilize the Standards and district expectations to set personal goals and take responsibility for their ain professional development.

Learning is a developmental process that takes time and ofttimes is hard work. Every bit does any professional, teachers of science volition stumble, wrestle, and ponder, while realizing that failure is a natural part of developing new skills and understanding. However, constructive teachers know how to access research-based resources and, when faced with a learning need, pursue new knowledge and skills that are based on research or effective practice. Teachers of science need to develop the skills to conduct research in their classrooms on scientific discipline teaching and learning and be able to share their results with others.

Learning Skills for Lifelong Learning

The integrated knowledge needed to teach science well is developed over time. Thus, the conquering of the skills for continuous learning should exist an explicit component of all learning experiences.

As lifelong learners, teachers need to reflect on their experiences and have techniques and the time to do so. Preservice courses must allocate time to teach prospective teachers techniques for reflection, and practicing teachers must be given opportunities to develop these skills too. Many techniques for reflection on practice are available, and their use is condign more widespread. Self-reflection tools such as journals, audiotapes or videotapes, and portfolios allow teachers to capture their didactics, track their development over fourth dimension, analyze their progress, and identify needs for further learning. Other techniques include peer observation, coaching, and mentoring beginning teachers in either structured or unstructured settings. Teachers also need opportunities to form written report groups or hold less-formal sharing sessions.

Continuous learning is an active procedure that will require different norms from those that are presently operative in colleges and in schools: norms of experimentation and run a risk-taking, of trust and collegial support, and, most relevant to science, of careful and dedicated inquiry. Schools in which take a chance-taking is encouraged will provide learning communities for adults too as for students. Other learning environments that tin can provide such conditions are professional networks—collegial groups where teachers

Suggested Citation:"4 Standards for Professional person Development for Teachers of Scientific discipline." National Research Quango. 1996. National Science Education Standards. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: ten.17226/4962.


detect help, support, ideas, strategies, and solutions to their issues. Examples include professional person scientific discipline-teaching associations, state and local organizations, and telecommunications networks. Those types of groups provide safe and rich learning environments in which teachers tin can share resource, ask and address difficult questions, and continue to learn.

[Come across Program Standard D and System Standard D]

Beingness a lifelong learner also requires that teachers have the resources for professional development and the time to use them. Such resources include access to formal and breezy courses that let them to keep abreast of current science, access to inquiry on curriculum, teaching, and assessment found in journals and at professional meetings; media and technology to access databases and to analyze teaching; and opportunities to observe other teachers. Conducting formal and informal classroom-based research is a powerful ways to ameliorate practise. This enquiry includes asking questions nearly how students learn science, trying new approaches to teaching, and evaluating the results in student achievement from these approaches. Conducting such research requires time and resources.

Professional Development Standard D

Professional person development programs for teachers of science must exist coherent and integrated. Quality preservice and inservice programs are characterized by

  • Articulate, shared goals based on a vision of science learning, teaching, and instructor development congruent with the National Science Education Standards.

  • Integration and coordination of the program components so that understanding and ability tin exist built over time, reinforced continuously, and practiced in a diversity of situations.

  • Options that recognize the developmental nature of teacher professional growth and private and group interests, as well as the needs of teachers who have varying degrees of experience, professional expertise, and proficiency.

  • Collaboration among the people involved in programs, including teachers, instructor educators, teacher unions, scientists, administrators, policy makers, members of professional and scientific organizations, parents, and business people, with articulate respect for the perspectives and expertise of each.

  • Recognition of the history, culture, and organization of the school environment.

  • Continuous program assessment that captures the perspectives of all those involved, uses a diverseness of strategies, focuses on the process and effects of the program, and feeds directly into program comeback and evaluation.

[See Program Standard A]

The professional person evolution of teachers is complicated: there is much for teachers of science to know and exist able to practice; materials need to be critiqued and questions need to be researched; a variety of information and expertise needs to exist tapped; and many individuals and institutions claim responsibility for professional evolution. Notwithstanding, for an individual teacher, prospective or practicing, professional person development besides often is a random combination of courses, conferences, research experiences,

Suggested Citation:"4 Standards for Professional Evolution for Teachers of Science." National Inquiry Council. 1996. National Scientific discipline Education Standards. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/4962.


workshops, networking opportunities, internships, and mentoring relationships. More coherence is sorely needed.

[Come across Organization Standards A and B]

Professional person evolution programs and practices crave a focus on the vision of scientific discipline educational activity presented past the Standards. Attending must be paid at the land, district, and college and school levels to fitting the various pieces of professional person evolution programs together to attain a mutual prepare of goals. Preservice plan coordination requires mechanisms and strategies for connecting and integrating scientific discipline courses, educational activity courses, and clinical experiences (i.e., experiences in schools and classrooms). Such coordination too is needed for programs for practicing teachers, who ofttimes face myriad offerings by school districts, individual schools, professional associations, unions, business and industry, regional service centers, publishing companies, local universities, nearby research laboratories, museums, and federal and country agencies.

Professional evolution opportunities for teachers must business relationship for differing degrees and forms of expertise represented in any group, and they must recognize the nature of quality experiences equally described in standards A and B. Programs must be designed non simply to impart technical skills, simply to deepen and enrich understanding and power. Professional development activities must extend over long periods and include a range of strategies to provide opportunities for teachers to refine their cognition, understanding, and abilities continually.

Individual teachers of science should have the opportunity to put together programs for professional development, as should groups of teachers, whether formally constituted or informally continued through common needs and interests. The many providers of teacher professional person development activities will keep to design programs. Still, the strongest programs outcome from collaborations among teachers, developers (such every bit university faculty, scientific discipline coordinators, and teachers), and other stakeholders (including community agencies, science-rich centers, scientists, school administrators, and business and industry). Such collaborations increment coherence, and they bring a wide variety of expertise and resources to deport on a set up of common goals that are direct connected to the needs of teachers.

The success of professional person evolution for practicing teachers is heavily dependent on the organizational dynamics of schooling, such every bit a climate that permits modify and risk-taking, good relationships amid school personnel, communication structures, and an appropriate distribution of authority. Professional development programs therefore must involve administrators and other school staff. All must be committed to ensuring that prospective teachers, new teachers, and practicing teachers who wish to implement new ideas as office of their professional evolution are supported and integrated into the ongoing life of the school.

Finally, those who plan and conduct professional person development programs must continually evaluate the attainments of teachers and the opportunities provided them to ensure that their programs are maximally useful for teachers.

Suggested Citation:"4 Standards for Professional Development for Teachers of Science." National Inquiry Quango. 1996. National Science Pedagogy Standards. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. doi: 10.17226/4962.


Changing Emphases

The National Science Pedagogy Standards envision change throughout the arrangement. The professional development standards encompass the following changes in emphases:



Transmission of teaching knowledge and skills by lectures

Inquiry into teaching and learning

Learning science by lecture and reading

Learning scientific discipline through investigation and research

Separation of science and educational activity knowledge

Integration of science and teaching knowledge

Separation of theory and exercise

Integration of theory and do in schoolhouse settings

Individual learning

Collegial and collaborative learning

Fragmented, i-shot sessions

Long-term coherent plans

Courses and workshops

A variety of professional development activities

Reliance on external expertise

Mix of internal and external expertise

Staff developers as educators

Staff developers equally facilitators, consultants, and planners

Instructor as technician

Instructor as intellectual, reflective practitioner

Teacher every bit consumer of cognition about education

Teacher as producer of knowledge about instruction

Teacher as follower

Teacher as leader

Teacher as an individual based in a classroom

Teacher equally a member of a collegial professional customs

Teacher as target of modify

Teacher as source and facilitator of modify

Suggested Citation:"iv Standards for Professional person Development for Teachers of Scientific discipline." National Research Council. 1996. National Science Education Standards. Washington, DC: The National Academies Printing. doi: 10.17226/4962.


References for Further Reading

AAAS (American Association for the Advocacy of Science). 1990. The Liberal Art of Science: Agenda for Action: The Report of the Project on Liberal Education and the Sciences. Washington, DC: AAAS

Darling-Hammond, L. 1993. Reframing the school reform agenda: Developing chapters for school transformation. Phi Delta Kappan, 74 (10): 752-761.

Feiman-Nemser, S. 1989. Teacher Preparation: Structural and Conceptual Alternatives. East Lansing, MI: National Center for Research on Teaching.

Goodlad, J.I. 1994. Educational Renewal: Amend Teachers, Better Schools. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

Hargreaves, A., and Grand.G. Fullan, eds. 1992. Understanding Teacher Development. New York: Teachers Higher Press.

Holmes Grouping. 1986. Tomorrow's Teachers: A Written report of the Holmes Group. East Lansing, MI: Holmes Grouping.

Joyce, B., ed. 1990. Changing School Culture Through Staff Development: 1990 Yearbook of The Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development. Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.

Kahle, J.B. 1993. Pedagogy science for excellence and equity. In This Year in School Science 1993, A.E. Haley-Oliphant and S. Rogg, eds. Washington, DC: American Association for the Advancement of Science.

Lieberman, A., and L. Miller, eds. 1991. Staff Evolution for Education in the '90s: New Demands, New Realities, New Perspectives, second ed. New York: Teachers College Printing.

Petty, J.W. 1993. Teachers' professional development in a climate of educational reform. Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, 15 (2): 129-151.

McDermott, Fifty.C. 1990. A perspective in instructor preparation in physics and other sciences: the demand for special scientific discipline courses for teachers. American Journal of Physics, 58(1990).

NRC (National Research Council). 1996. The Role of Scientists in the Professional Development of Science Teachers. Washington, DC: National University Press.

NRC (National Enquiry Council). 1990. Fulfilling the Hope: Biology Education in the Nation's Schools. Washington, DC: National Academy Press.

Raizen, Due south.A., and A.Chiliad. Michelsohn, eds., 1994. The Hereafter of Scientific discipline in Unproblematic Schools: Educating Prospective Teachers. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

Shulman, 50.S. 1990. Reconnecting foundations to the substance of instructor education. Teachers Higher Record, 91 (iii): 301-310.

Stevenson, H.West., and J.W. Stigler. 1992. The Learning Gap: Why Our Schools Are Failing and What We Can Learn from Japanese and Chinese Education. New York: Summit Books.

Tyson, H. 1994. Who Volition Teach the Children? Progress and Resistance in Teacher Education. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

Suggested Citation:"four Standards for Professional Evolution for Teachers of Science." National Research Quango. 1996. National Scientific discipline Educational activity Standards. Washington, DC: The National Academies Printing. doi: 10.17226/4962.


When It Comes To Science Learning, What Is Needed At A Minimum For Good Teaching Practice?,


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