
Apple Watch Series 5 Offerte

The Apple Lookout Serial 8 —Apple tree's latest entry into the wearable infinite — is a reality. Announced on September seven and officially launched on September sixteen, the Series viii continues Apple's say-so in the smartwatch space. It has a tried-and-true design, a big brandish, ample performance, and robust health tracking. If you know and love the Apple Sentinel formula, you're getting more of that with the Apple Sentinel Series 8.

Only what about the Series eight is actually new? That's a question I've been asking myself since the picket was announced during Apple's Far Out effect. Information technology looks but like the Series 7, has a nearly identical characteristic set, and is priced exactly the same. Subsequently spending 48 hours with the Apple tree Watch Serial 8 this past weekend, I experience similar I tin confidently reply that question. Not much is new with the Apple tree Spotter Serial 8, and while that may not make it very exciting, it too ensures information technology'due south still the become-to smartwatch for anyone with an iPhone.

A very adept, very familiar Apple Picket

An Apple Watch Series 8 with the display turned on.
Joe Maring/Digital Trends

If you lot've used the Apple Lookout Series seven, Series half dozen, or even the three-year-old Series 5, the Apple Sentinel Serial viii will feel right at habitation to you. Hardware-wise, the Serial 8 uses the aforementioned shape and trunk as the Series 7. That means it comes in 41 and 45mm sizes with a large display and extremely slim bezels.

Like its predecessor, the screen on the Series eight looks fantastic. Colors are vibrant, the expansive screen existent estate feels wonderfully futuristic, and the tiny bezels let lookout man faces and apps shine. The always-on brandish introduced with the Series v also returns, giving yous persistent information on your wrist even when you aren't actively looking at it.

An Apple Watch Series 8 showing its always-on display.
Joe Maring/Digital Trends

When you are looking and interacting with the Apple tree Spotter Series viii, the smartwatch flies with speed. Under the hood is Apple tree's S8 chipset, and while the name is new, the tech within is identical to the S7 bit in the Series 7… which was as well the same as the S6 inside the Series 6. Although Apple tree hasn't significantly improved performance over the last couple of years, the Apple tree Watch Series eight easily stands tall as one of the snappiest smartwatches around. I would like to run across some progress next year with a more capable scrap for the sake of futureproofing, only as it stands today, the S8 in the Series 8 has yet to leave me yearning for more horsepower.

Likewise great is the Apple Watch Serial 8's health and fettle suite. I've been using an Apple Lookout equally my primary fettle tracking device for the last few years, and the Serial 8 has all of the features I've come to look. In that location'due south all-day activity tracking, sleep tracking, 24/7 middle rate monitoring, an ECG app, SpO2 tracking, and stop-to-end encrypted cycle tracking to handle a user's menstrual bike. From tracking exercises, getting reminders to movement, and checking my daily activity, the Serial 8 is merely equally good in this regard as the last couple of Apple tree Watches.

The back of an Apple Watch Series 8.
Joe Maring/Digital Trends

Battery life is another area where the Apple Watch Series 8 is very familiar. The Apple Picket has always been a ane-mean solar day habiliment, and the Series 8 is no different. I started my outset full day with the smartwatch at 8:00 a.m. and finally concluded the solar day at 1:20 a.grand. with 35% bombardment left in the tank. That day included a constant stream of notifications, the e'er-on display enabled, and tracking a 4-mile walk for a little over an hour. After tracking my sleep for nearly 6 hours, I woke upwardly with 26% battery remaining at 7:15 a.m. There'south plenty of endurance to go about your day and track a dark'southward worth of sleep, merely y'all will need to accuse up at some signal before embarking on the next day.

How's the temperature sensor?

Ovulation alert on Apple Watch Series 8.

All of the above have fabricated the Apple Scout Series eight a keen smartwatch to have on my wrist over the last 2 days — but these were also things that fabricated the Apple Watch Serial seven fantastic. Where does the Series viii go to stand up out every bit something new?

The hallmark characteristic this year is a duo of temperature sensors, including one on the back and some other under the display. Using these temperature sensors, the Apple Lookout man Series viii can clarify your baseline trunk temperature and look for nightly changes to it. And if you use Apple tree's cycle tracking features, the temperature sensors can retrospectively place when you lot've ovulated — potentially very helpful if you're trying to take a baby.

Unfortunately, a weekend hasn't been enough time to run across the results from the temperature sensors. Apple says you demand to wear the Series 8 for about 5 days earlier it can institute your baseline temperature and commencement showing changes to it. While I'm non someone who can use the temperature sensors for cycle tracking or family planning, I am curious to await at my nightly temperature changes when that data finally becomes available to me.

Apple'southward showcase for WatchOS 9

An Apple Watch Series 8 running the Compass app in WatchOS 9.
Joe Maring/Digital Trends

What else is new? Too the temperature sensors and Apple'south new auto crash detection (the aforementioned ane found in the iPhone xiv), the Apple tree Sentinel Series eight really serves as a showcase for everything that's new in WatchOS 9. And Apple doesn't shy away from this fact at all. The Serial 8 product folio on Apple tree's website has huge callouts for improved sleep tracking, the new Medications app, centre charge per unit zones while exercising, and customizable workouts that y'all tin can tailor exactly how you want.

During my weekend with the Apple Sentinel Series 8, I constitute a few other WatchOS ix goodies that I particularly similar. The new Depression Power Manner is a great style to eke out a footling extra battery when you lot need it, the Compass app with its Backtrack characteristic has enormous potential, and I actually love the new picket faces.

The Metropolitan sentinel face up is a gorgeous improver, featuring a customizable analog clock with room for complications on each corner. You can as well at present edit the Modular face with full-color backgrounds, giving it a wonderful visual popular that it didn't have before.

All of these features are nifty, only they're all highlights of WatchOS 9. While they work well on the Series 8, they're also leap to be just as helpful on the Series 7, Series half dozen, Series 5, etc.

Time for more testing

Apple Watch Series 8 showing its App Library.
Joe Maring/Digital Trends

Where does that leave me with the Apple Watch Series viii? Although I've just been wearing the smartwatch for a couple of days, I feel like I'thousand already deeply familiar with it. And coming from someone who'south been wearing an Apple tree Watch Series 7 for the past yr, that's not surprising.

Equally with the baseline iPhone 14, I've seen plenty of people up in arms about how like the Apple tree Lookout Serial 8 is to its predecessor. Information technology certainly is far from an heady yearly upgrade, but this isn't a scout meant for folks rocking last year's model. This is a smartwatch for someone with an Apple Watch Series 3, Series 4, or a Series 5. In that regard, the Apple Watch Series 8 makes a practiced argument for being worth the $399 asking price.

I need more time to form my full thoughts and put them into a review, but so far, the Apple Lookout man Series 8 is making the verbal impression I idea it would. It's not a game-changing smartwatch. It'due south besides not especially exciting. But it takes the excellent formula of the Series 7 and makes it a little meliorate, and that'due south a recipe I don't anticipate myself complaining about whatsoever fourth dimension soon.

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Apple Watch Series 5 Offerte,


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